Liposuction has been around for more than 20 years and is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure for body contouring. There have been many variations of the Liposuction technique. The syringe technique is the oldest technique and is manually done using a big toomey syringe and a cannula. It is quite laborious and reserved for a debulking procedure.
The Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL) uses a suction motor to help speed the procedure and suction out more fat. It is easier for the surgeon and faster as well.
A modernization of the suction-assisted liposuction is the Power-assisted liposuction (PAL). A motorized handpiece is used where the cannula automatically moves back and forth while there is continuous suction. this makes the liposuction techniqe easier for the surgeon.
Other variation of the liposuction technique is the Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL). This uses ultrasounic energy to melt the fat during suctioning. This technique has been reported to develop several complications such as burns hence it did not become a popular technique.
Water-assisted liposuction is an addition to the liposuction techniques. Pressurized water is used to dislodge the fat cells from the connective tissues with simultaneous liposuction. This technique uses a lot of fluid and is quite costly due to the amount of consumables.
The latest and the one that seems to be the most reliable technique is the VASER. Vibration Ampliflication of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a third generation ultrasound assisted liposuction device that has eliminated the complications of the old ultrasound-assisted devices. The machine selectively liquefies the fat and leaves the nerves, connective tissues and blood vessels intact that is why it is called Liposelection. Resulting in less bruising, less pain, less swelling, smoother results and faster recovery for the patients.
1 comment:
I'm trying to find what would be the Vaser liposuction cost treatment preformed to reduce the size of "cankles". I know the prices largely vary, but I've been able to find a few differences in costs of other procedures . I was hoping to find the approximate range of Vaser lipo preformed on the calve area.
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