Yet, despite what is generally a slew of rave reviews, you still could use a few muscle definitions here and there. Truth be told, some parts of your body are simply exercise-resistant. And no amount of visits to the gym or rigorous workout regimen can let see the desired results within the desired time frame.
Whine no more. The advanced liposuction technique that enhances the visibility of well-toned muscles has reached Philippine shores. Vaser High-definition liposculture targets men and women who would otherwise never have considered themselves in need of liposuctions.
Because Vaser Hi-Def was concieved to be a sculpting rather than debulking technique, a person who has good muscle tone but does not have excessive amount of fat or lax skin is the perfect candidate to the procedure.
What will do even more wonders to your body is the selectivity the Vaser instrument represents. The procedure can target only those exercise resistant areas by selectively liquifying the fat in those areas. Such selectivity also allows the surgeon to target specific fat layers to create the desired sculpted appearance without damaging connective tissue.
That Vaser High-Def is intended or generally fit men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail makes the procedure a sensible adjunct to a fitness program rather than a response to failure.
This is good news to people who have trouble achieving the muscle definition they want in spite of a work out routine they commit to like a second religion.
The highly advanced liposuction technique Vaser High-Def uses zeroes in and removes small fat depoits around specific muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the natural contours. It is not uncommon for patients to delight at the sight of that of that six pack, washboard abs they got after undergoing the procedure. Rather than looking down at Vaser High-Def as failure to achieve fitness, these people look up to it as enhancement of their current form.
Regarded as the last word in body contouring, Vaser High-Def is the brainchild of Colombian plastic surgeon, Alfredo Hoyos MD, widely touted as the "father of Vaser high-definition liposculpting". It was under Hoyo's expert tutelage that Dr.Claudine S. Roura FPDS got her training in Vaser High-Def, making her the first and only Filipino cosmetic surgeon trained and certified to perform the procedure.
With Roura at the helm, Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute makes availble to Filipinos Vaser High-Definition Liposculpture that is proven as revolutionary as it is effective. Just one of the numerous dermatological and cosmetic services the clinic offers, the procedure eliminates the risks and complications normally associated with traditional lipusuction. Not to mention reduced operating time as well remarkably shorter recovery period.
Contours is located at the 2nd floor of South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes in Makati City. Appointments and inquiries may be made at 489-8526 or 0918-9264468, or email drclaudine@rouradermsurgery.com or log on to www.rouradermsurgery.com
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