Lady Cosmetic Surgeon and Dermatologist based in Manila, Philippines. Specializing in Liposuction, VASER Liposelection, Hi-Definition Liposculpturing, Sclerotherapy, Foam Sclerotherapy, Duplex-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy for Big and Small Varicose Veins, Rhinoplasty, Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Abdominoplasty, Tummy tuck
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A faster way to wash board abs
As man’s most visible attributes, physical features will always play an appointed role in forming first impressions and, as biology dictates, has always been a reliable—if not superficial—gauge of good health.
A faster way to washboard abs
LIPOSUCTION- the cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body for a more contoured shape—used to be a taboo topic, discussed only in hushed tones among exclusive social circles. But modern day technology, and a society that has become more open to aesthetic enhancements, have made the procedure more acceptable, becoming one of the most popular cosmetic services performed locally these days.
The procedure has even branched into different methods. While traditional liposuction merely removes the excess fat from one’s body, a newer liposuction technique, called high-definition liposculpture, also shapes a patient’s body and enhances the visibility of well –toned muscles. This kind of fat removal method claims to provide the coveted “six packs” abdominals, which can take years of crunches and dieting to form, in as short as six hours.
Developed by Colombian plastic surgeon Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, high –definition—liposculpture is touted to be able to create an athletic appearance by enhancing the contours of the subcutaneous fat and the definition of the underlying muscles. The procedure involves precisely performed, deep and superficial liposuction around the muscle groups in areas such as the abdomen, the chest for men, and the lower back for women using the latest ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty. And unlike the traditional liposutcion, high definition liposuction does not damage connective tissues, thereby preventing the appearance of bruises.
Dr. Hoyos’ technique is an improvement of a procedure called abdominal etching, which was developed to give patients the desired six- pack look. While abdominal etching showed good results on men, it left an odd and unnatural appearance among women. High-definition liposculpture was created precisely to address its forerunner’s failure to consider other muscles.
Despite its lofty promises, the procedure should not be seen as a magic wand that can make a highly overweight person instantly leaner. According to the Cosmetic Surgery’ Times, the procedure is ideal fro those with substantial good muscle tone and without excessive fat or stretched skin. It is estimated that 95% of patients who undergo high-definition liposculpture are able to maintain their post-surgery condition because they already have a regular exercise regimen even before they went through the procedure.
The procedure starts with the doctor marking the muscle bellies that will enhanced. For women, the serratus muscles, the obliques and the rectus muscles in the abdominal area are focused on. The same abdominal areas are targeted for men, but more attention is given to the transverse tendinous intersections within the rectus abdominus muscles to achieve that washboard appearance.
Fat is then removed in these areas to create a “picture fame” around the muscles. Finally, the surgeon performs a more precise sculpting procedure that leaves behind small amounts of fat to strengthen the primary muscle tone. Patients have to wait for at least a month before returning to their exercise routine, with the final results of the surgery being more evident in four months—Michelle S. Caligan
And while not everyone is genetically blessed with flawless skin, slender legs or red, pouty lips, cosmetics companies have tried to make up for man’s hereditary shortcomings with various beauty –enhancing products—from the simple moisturizing lotion to more acute measures like whitening pills and fat burning drinks.
Recent years however, have seem a drastic shift from simple beauty rituals to one-time operations, as developments in aesthetic medicine have led to the mushrooming of plastic surgery clinics that offer relatively cheap, lunchtime procedures for every body part that can be tightened, nipped, tucked, or enlarged.
According to Dr. Jose Joven Cruz, head of the Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at Asian Hospital and Medical Center, roughly 90% of the division’s patients undergo liposuction and nose and breast augmentation. “The rest usually opt for a tummy tuck, eyebag removal, or thread lifting. We have also performed breast reduction, although it is a very rare case,” said Dr. Cruz. Patients who seek these services are typically 40- to 60- year-old women, and majority are either returning Filipinos, or balikbayans, or medical tourist.
Dr. Claudine S. Roura, who heads Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute, says these foreigners are lured to the country because of the cheap rates local hospitals and clinics charge for the face and body sculpting jobs. “The procedures are much cheaper in the Philippines. Whereas liposuction can cost between $15,000 to $20,000 in the United States, here it can go for as low $5,000,’ said Dr. Roura. Many cosmetic centers have also gotten themselves certified by international health institutions, and their doctors licensed to perform delicate treatments like the new VASER High-Definition Liposculpture, to make them more credible to international clients.
Not every perfection-seeking patient, however, can go under the knife. “Patient selection is the cornerstone of cosmetic surgery. First, they have to set their expectations, which have to be realistic, and from there, we can be met”, explained Dr. Cruz.
Before any feature-changing procedure, a patient is required to undergo a series of test, including a complete medical history checkup, physical examination, and a psychological profile. “We are very strict with our pre-surgery screening because we have to make sure that the patient has logical reasons for wanting to have the surgery.” Said Dr. Cruz.
Psychological tests, for instance, help cosmetic surgeons detect if a patient has a body dismorphic disorder, a mental condition that drives a person to undergo repetitive cosmetic surgery procedures to constantly improve his looks. “We improve his looks. “We always remind our patients that cosmetic surgery is not a life-saving procedure. It can be scheduled, postponed, or not even done at all,” said Dr. Cruz.
Despite advances in the field, risk of complications resulting from surgery still need to be kept in mind, said to Dr. Cruz, but being handled by well-trained and board-certified cosmetic surgeon should minimize possible health hazards to the procedure.
And just like any medical field, cosmetic surgery is perennially in the process of perfecting its techniques. For now, however, the arena has made much headway in minimizing incisions and downtime after treatment. Facelifts that use threads, instead of the traditional hairline slicing, were introduced around three years ago, the same year that third-generation silicon implants were approved by the United States Food and Drug Authority. The new breast implants are composed of silicon gel which, contrary to the previous silicon oil, has a safer consistency and is encased in a much stronger shell to prevent any leakage.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Difference between Power assisted lipo and VASER lipo - my personal experience
Doing high volume liposuction and multiple area lipo, is a very physically demanding job, especially when patients are men. Male body physique is more fibrous, tissues are tougher than the soft female counterparts. Being a female surgeon, this poses a challenge for me. So the use of the power-assisted liposuction (PAL) came to my mind to help me make the lipo easier especially when I only need to do a debulking procedure and not necessarily a sculpting procedure.
I had the opportunity to use it thru a friend. We used her Power assisted lipo and the VASER liposuction on one patient who wanted to do a full torso lipo. I also encouraged her to try out the VASER so we can compare. To make the procedure short, I did the patient’s chest and she started out on the patient’s abdomen. Power-assisted liposuction is a motorized handle with a special cannula that moves forward and backward automatically and vibrates as well. There was less resistance in burying thru the thick fat, less effort on the surgeon, however, there was so much vibration, not only on the handle of the machine but the vibration is also reflected in the fatty compartment of the patient. It is very traumatic and I’m sure it does not differentiate whether you are sucking out fat or connective tissues. The aspirate was quite bloody and a big part of the aspirate was fluid and not fat. It may lessen the effort of the surgeon but it does not shorten the operative time. It’s not a very efficient machine. And due to the vibration emitted, one cannot do superficial liposuction, cannot go near the rib area, and of course cannot do the face. After the lipo her hands were shaking due to the vibrations emitted by the machine. It’s like holding on a jackhammer.
My doctor friend tried out the VASER liposuction, I showed her the different probes and the ventex cannulas that go with it. She tried the VASER and she realized that she did not have to give too much effort in doing the liposuction because the fat was already emulsified and very soft. Operating time was shorter and she was able to take out more fat, the aspirate was less bloody and the percentage of fat is around 80% of the total aspirate, there was less water aspirated. She only did gentle strokes, no vibrations on the hands, and there was no surgeon fatigue. She actually appreciated how nice and very efficient the VASER machine is, how it can take out more fat and sculpt the body to perfection. She was very happy and was also thinking of buying a VASER system of her own.
This was a first hand trial and I was able to appreciate more my VASER Machine. Buying a Power-assisted lipo machine is out of the question.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Secret To Brad Pitt's young looking skin-Stme Cells-Dermaroller
The secret to Brad Pitt's young-looking skin - PDI -May 29, 2009
IF BRAD PITT LOOKS younger than his 45 years, credit should go to the Dermaroller, an instrument with tiny needles used to stimulate collagen, said Hello Magazine.
Less invasive than cchemical peels, fractional laser resurfacing or microdermabrassion, the treatment does not produce bruising, swelling, crusting or bleeding in the targeted area.
Invented by a french doctor named Horst Liebl, the Dermaroller is based on the principle of micro-needling. It is performed with a roller wrapped with many tiny needles, which then pierce the top layers of skin to a certain depth. This results in stimulating collagen formation while simultaneously freeing up a clear way for medication to be taken in more effectively through the skin.
Micro-needling produces very slight wounds that merely open up the skin pores. The face will redden for a few hours. Collagen growth is then accelerated in the dermis layer as some of the blood vessels are ruptured directly below the skin's surface.
As blood thickens, it produces the right conditions for collagen and elastin to take shape. These main elements help the skin appear refreshed.
Collagen production
Dermatologist-surgeon Claudine Roura explains that the Dermaroller is used to combat acne, melasma or hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and sagging skin.
"it's an instrument used for collagen induction or producing your own collagen. The roller head has lots of hypodermic to produce microinjuries on the skin. In turn, collagen formation is stimulated. There is cell renewal and better skin quality. The skin will be tighter," says Roura.
A numbing agent is applied before the procedure. The Dermaroller is then reeled on the skin, making tiny perforations in the dermis, inducing the pores to open momentarily. The body senses this as an injury and reacts to its by setting off the healing process.
This actually induces the making of collagen and elastin. By constantly producing micro-injuries and activating the healing process, the continues its repair until its job is done.
The Dermaroller sounds much more scary than the device actually is. The needles are so fine that they produce a ticklish sensation. As the skin's top layer is tough and flexible, the tiny punctures made by the roller fade quickly.
Right medication
Equally important is the medication applied after rolling. Roura uses adiposed-derived stem cells that produce cytokines, proteins that stimulate new blood cells and intercede with the immune system and the cell processes.
"Unlike topical creams, wherein the products are not fully absorbed, with the Dermoroller, you are producing micro-injuries on the skin so that the barrier will be broken. We take advantage and apply the products so that they will penetrate the lower layer of the skin,' says Roura.
"This is basically regenerative medicine. Stem cells are harvested from the fat. The cytokines, which are the good things from the stem cells, are extracted, freeze-dried and formulated into a cosmetic product. They are recommended for anti-aging and pigmentation."
For melasma, the skin is infused with natural whitening agents such as arbutin, kojic acid and glutathione. Wrinkles are addressed with hyaluronic acid, while sagging skin and wrinkles are treated with vitamins to stimulate cell renewal.
The whole procedure takes an hour.
The Dermaroller is recommended for those who have tried other procedures but did not get the desired results.
(For details, call Contours, Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute at 556-4878 and 489-8526, located at South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes, Makati city.)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Vaser Body Sculpture
I always look forward to my monthly facials and visits to dermclinics; this time since May was all about mothers, as a mother of 3, I thought of treating myself to something new. As per advised by good friends, I visited Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute conveniently located in Paseo de Magallanes commercial center.
I was impressed on how they conceptualized the institute because it definitely does not look like a typical cosmetic surgery clinic. Had I not read fully the name of the institute I wouldn't even have the slightest idea that I stepped in to a surgical clinic.
The lobby or receiving area was calm and serene. Once registered they will then lead you to the adjacent waiting room enhanced once more with its modern classical design.
Definitely not the usual dark, cold and eerie clinics we usually go to. Don't get intimidated by its name, although they are a "body sculpting institute" whose forte lies in the areas of slimming and body contouring (either surgical or non-surgical) they also offer the dermatological services we meticulous ladies love.
As I was waiting for my facial and (the something "new" for me that I decided to try) diamond peel I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Claudine S. Roura, the brains behind Contours who out of concern asked me if everything was okay and made sure I was taken cared of.
I was pleasantly surprised, she not only has the brains, but this young and attractive Board-certified dermatologist is a graduate of University of Santo. Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, my alma matter and with her long list of medical achievements which includes being awarded the 2005 Walter de Groot Phlebology Fellowship, I knew instantly I was in good hands.
Because of her great passion in the art of body sculpturing she had undergone extensive training and is proud to say that she is the first and only cosmetic surgeon certified to do VASER High Definition Liposculpture in the Philippines. She was personally trained by Dr. John Millard of Colorado,, USA and Dr. Hoyos, the "Father of VASER Hi-Definition Liposculpturing".
I am not much of a fan of "liposuction" because first, I wince on the idea of being cut up open and second because of the horrifying stories that I've heard regarding this procedure that is why I couldn't help myself but ask what makes the VASER Hi-Def treatment different from the "traditional liposuction".
Have you ever wondered what happens after religiously going to the gym and miraculously surviving all the diet do's and don'ts and achieving your desired weight and still you haven't actually achieved your desired "drop dead gorgeous body".
To be more specific, as far back as I can remember, after having 3 kids, I have been doing all sorts of crunches just to have my old abdominals backs; the one which I can be proud to show off especially in the beach. I've been doing crunches practically all my life and still not satisfied, then this is where VASER Hi-Definition Liposculpturing comes in.
Dr. Roura said VASER is best suited for men and women who are generally healthy and fit. These are the people who desire a more sculpted appearance without having to go through pumping iron until you reach a "hulk" like appearance, yet in the end still not having the desired body contour.Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A new take on Cosmetic surgery
Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute (Contours), which offers a complete line of dermatological and cosmetic surgery services, is not your typical beauty clinic. A brainchild of Dr. Claudine Roura, a cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist who concentrates on surgical and nonsurgical body slimming and contouring, advanced body sculpture, vein therapy and precision skin care, Contours is a leading VASER center in the Philippines and the only institute certified to perform the procedure in the country.
VASER is a body sculpting technique that uses advanced ultrasonic tools and methods, and uses new standards in safety, effectiveness, comfort, and precision. Risk and complications that usually come with conventional lisposuction treatments are eliminated in VASER-based treatments. Because of its advanced technology, operating time is significantly reduced, recovery periods are cut shorter, and results are more accurate and better defined.
Aside from VASER Lipo and VASER High Definition Liposculpture, Contours also offers Medislim treatments, a combination of slimming modalities that specifically target unwanted fat. Just like the Vaser-based treatments, Medislim also uses ultrasonic technology that focuses on fat cells in specific areas of the body, with thermal energy melting the fat. Such procedure is recommended for those who are not yet ready for a major body enhancement.
Contours also offers Silkpeel Dermal Infusion (SDI), a non-invasive exfoliation process combined with dermal infusion that delivers skin-specific solutions. SDI works in tandem with Contours’ Theraderm skin care system, a blend of effective therapy and dermatology. Contours also specializes in Phlebology, which maintains safety standards for varicose veins were previously regarded as untreatable except through surgery, today it can be treated on a systematic outpatient basis.
Aside from the unique procedure it offers, Contours also has a full OR-RR complex, a conference room for in-house training seminars, a treatment room where dermatological procedures are administered, and another exclusively for facial treatments. It also has separate rooms for Intense Pulsed Light treatment and procedures such as hair removal, slimming and photo rejuvenation.
As a young institute, Contours is setting its sight on bigger growth plans, which includes expanded operations and more comprehensive services. Led by Dr. Roura, who has had extensive training in dermatologic and cosmetic surgery here and abroad, including personal training with Dr. John Millard of Colorado and Dr. Alfredo Hoyos of Colombia (considered the father of VASER hi definition liposculpturing), Contours aims to prove that proper health and beauty are everyone’s business and within everyone’s reach.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Contours Medislim Program
Beauty TALK
Summer's Must-Try Procedures
2/F South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes, Makati City
(02) 556-4878, 489-8526; 0915-1163911; http://www.contours.com.ph/
WHAT IS IT? A non-invasive way to get a bikini-ready you can flaunt. The procedure instantly trims your tummy, hips, arms, back, love handles, and thighs.
THE COSMETIX FIX: The hour-long session involves three steps: radiofrequency (RF) heating, ultrasound and suction. First, your therapist runs a heated RF device over your bod to melt fat near the surface of your skin and smoothen out the cellulite-induced dimpling. Cosmo tip: If the heat gets uncomfy, ask your therapist to lower the temp. During the ultrasound, a cold rod is run over your targeted areas to break down the deeper layers of fat. THen, the suction macjine loosens the melted fat to make it easier to flush out of your system. Step three is a bit ticklish, so be prepared to let out a giggle.
THE COSMO TEST: We were amazed to see insta-results after the first procedure (three and a half inches off!). But, we were warmed that some of the jiggle would return after. To test it further, we finished a ten-session program, losing a few inches here and there during each visit. The amazing results: less back fat our string-bikini bottoms now tie perfectly over shrunken saddle bags, and we finally don't have to suck in our bilbil at the beach.
THE REAL DEAL: Though the results aren't as instantaneous as liposuction's, this gradual contouring of the body is a great option for those who don't want to go under the knife. To score even better results, couple the program with a healthy diet, so you can continue to keep of the inches you lose with every session.New breast implant guarantees no contracture
April 29, 2009. We scheduled my niece for a breast augmentation procedure. She is 22 years old, very young and beautiful. She is tall 5 ft 6 inches, very slim, fair skinned, very pretty chinita. The only problem is that her breasts did not develop according to her age. She is flat, as in flat. The family was very supportive of her having breast implants, they wanted the best, so I gave them the best that guarantees no breast contracture.
Since she was very flat and almost no breast tissue, we needed to perform the breast augmentation procedure via a peri-areolar incision in a submuscular plane. It was done under local tumescent anesthesia with sedation. We inserted a 240 cc anatomical breast implant, it was beautiful, tear drop shape, looks very natural. The surgery was uneventful, very minimal bleeding. The implant was just a bit hard to insert due to its nature being a polyurethane coated silicone breast implants. They call it the "Brazilian breasts, forever soft". The implant s are bit costly compared to the regular breast implants but it guarantees no contracture in 10 years time or the company will change the breast implants for free... How about that for a guarantee.
After the surgery, my niece went home, although a bit dizzy, she slept it off at home. she experienced some pain post op as expected but the next few days she was a lot lot better.
She is now a cup B, very proud and very happy with her new found figure. Thanks to the breast augmentation procedure using the Brazilian breasts....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Exercise resistant body parts can be treated with VASER
Manila Standard Today-Fri.-March 27,2009
AMONG people around, you are seen as one of the blessed few. Thanks to friendly genes or fanatical commitment to hard work. Your typical week is characterized by workouts at the gym every other day. Your curves are in the right places. It's a physique easily describable as whistle-bait or drop-dead gorgeous. To look at you is to wonder how nature can be generous to one and ignore all the rest!
Yet, despite what is generally a slew of rave reviews, you still could use a few muscle definitions here and there. Truth be told, some parts of your body are simply exercise-resistant. And no amount of visits to the gym or rigorous workout regimen can let you see the desired results within the desired time frame.
Whine no more. The advanced liposuction technique that enhances the visibility of well-toned muscles has reached Philippine shores. VASER high-definition liposculpture targets men and women who would otherwise never have considered themselves in need of liposuction.
Ideal candidates
Because VASER High-Def was conceived to be a sculpting rather than a debulking technique, a person who has good muscle tone but does not have excessive amount of fat or lax skin is the perfect candidate for the procedure.
What will do even more wonders to your body is the selectivity the VASER instrument represents. The procedure can target only those exercise-resistant areas by selectively liquefying the fat in those areas. Such selectivity also allows the surgeon to target specific fat layers to create the desired sculpted appearance without damaging connectives tissue.
Adjunct to fitness program
That VASER High-Def is intended for generally fit men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail makes the procedure a sensible adjunct to a fitness program rather than a response to failure. This is good news to people who have trouble achieving the muscle definition they want in spite of a workout routine they commit to like a second religion.
The highly advanced liposuction technique VASER High-Def zeroes in and removes small fat deposits around specific muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the natural contours. It is not uncommon for patients to delight at the sight of that six-packs,washboard abs they got after undergoing the procedure. Rather than looking down at VASER High-Def as failure to achieve fitness, these people look up to it as enhancement of their current form.
Regarded as the last word in body contouring, VASER High-Def is the brainchild of Colombian plastic surgeon Alfredo Hoyos, M.D., widely touted as the "father of VASER high-definition liposculpting". It was under Hoyos' expert tutelage that Dr. Claudine Roura, FPDS, got her training in VASER High-Def, making her the first and only Filipino cosmetic surgeon trained and certified to perform the procedure.
With Roura at the helm, Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute makes available to Filipinos VASER High-Definition Liposculpture that is proven as revolutionary as it is effective. Just one of the numerous dermatological and cosmetic surgery services the clinic offers, the procedure eliminates the risks and complications normally associated with traditional liposuction. Not to mention reduced operating times as well as remarkably shorter recovery period.
Contours is located at the 2nd floor of South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes in Makati City. Appointments and inquiries may be made through telephone number 489-8526 or mobile number 0918-926-4468.
Or you can e-mail drclaudine@rouradermsurgery.com or log on to http://www.rouradermsurgery.com/
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cosmetic surgeon can perform Liposculpture
Businessworld-Wed.-April 1, 2009
THE ADVANCE liposuction technique that enhances the visibility of well-toned muscles has reached Philippine shores.
VASER High-Definition Liposculture targets men and women who would otherwise never have considered themselves in need of liposuction.
Because VASER High-Def was conceived to be a scuplting rather than a debulking technique, a person who has good muscle tone but does not have excessive amount of fat or lax skin is the perfect candidate for the procedure.
VASER High-Def is intended for generally fit men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail. This makes the procedure a sensible adjucnt to a fitness program rather than a response to failure.
The highly advanced liposuction technique VASER High-Def uses removed small fat deposits around specific muscle groups to enhance the visibility muscle of the natural contours.
VASER High-Def is the brainchild of Colombian plastic surgeon Alfredo Hoyos, M.D.., widely touted as the "father of VASER high-definition liposculptuting."
It was under Mr. Hoyos's expert tutelage that Dr.Claudine S. Roura, FPDS, got her training in VASER High-Def, making her the first and onloy Filipino cosmetic surgeon trained and certified to perform the procedure.
With Ms. Roura at the helm, Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute makes available to Filipinos VASER High-Definition Liposculpture that is proven as revolutionary as it is effective.
Just one of the numerous dermatological and cosmetic surgery services the clinic offers, the procedure eliminates the risks and complications normally associated with traditional liposuction.
Contours is located at the 2nd floor of South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes in Makati City. Appointments and inquiries may be made through 489-8526 or 0918-926-4468. E-mail drclaudine@rouradermsurgery.com or visist www.rouradermsurgery.com
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Advanced liposuction technique arrives in RP
Business Mirror - fri-sat - March 27-28, 2009
FIGURE-CONSCIOUS people worry no more.
The advanced liposuction technique that enhances the visibility of well-toned muscles has reached the Philippine shores.
VASER High-defintion liposculpture targerts men and women who would otherwise never have considered themselves in need of liposuction.
Ideal candidates
BECAUSE Vaser High-Def was conceived to be a scuplting rather than a debulking technique, a person who has good muscle tone but does not have excessive amount of fat or lax skin is the perfect candidate for the procedure.
What will do even more wonders to your body is the selectivity the Vaser instrument represents.The procedure can target only those exercise-resistant areas be selectively liquifying the fat in those areas.
Such selectively also allows the surgeon to targets specific fat layers to create the desired sculpted appearance without damaging connective tissue.
An adjunct to fitness program
THAR Vaser High-Def is intended for generally fit men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail makes the procedure a sensible adjunct to a fitness program rather than a reponse to failure.
This is good news to people who have trouble achieving the muscular definition they want in spite of a workout routine they commit to like a second religion.
The highly-advanced liposuction technique Vaser High-Def zeroes in and removes small fat deposites around specific muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the natural contours.
It is not uncommon for patients to delight at the sight of that six-pack,washboard abs they got after undergoing the procedure.
Rather than looking down at Vaser High-Def as failure to achieve fitness, these people look at its as enhancement of their current form.
A contour exclusive
REGARDED as the last word in body contouring, Vaser High-Def is the brainchild of Colombian plastic surgeon Alfredo Hoyos,M.D., widely touted as the "Father of Vaser high-definition liposcuplturing."
It was under Dr. Hoyos's expert tutelage that Dr. Claudine Roura, FPDS, got her training in Vaser High-Def, making her the first and only Filipino cosmetic surgeon trained and certified to perform the procedure.
With Dr. Roura at the helm, Contours Advanced Face and Body Scuplting Institute makes available to Filipinos Vaser High-Definition Liposcuplture that is proven as revolutionary as it is effective.
Just one of the numerous dermatological and cosmetic surgery services the clinic offers, the procedure eliinates the risks and complications normally associated with traditional liposuction.
Not to mention reduced operating time as well as remarkably shorter recovery period.
Contours Advanced Face and Body Scuplting Institute is at the 2nd floor of South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes in Makati City.
Fpr appointments and inquiries, call (02) 489-8526 or 0918-9264468; e-mail drclaudine@rouradermsurgery.com; or log on to www.rouradermsurgery.com
Friday, May 8, 2009
Exercise Resistant body parts do exist

Yet, despite what is generally a slew of rave reviews, you still could use a few muscle definitions here and there. Truth be told, some parts of your body are simply exercise-resistant. And no amount of visits to the gym or rigorous workout regimen can let see the desired results within the desired time frame.
Whine no more. The advanced liposuction technique that enhances the visibility of well-toned muscles has reached Philippine shores. Vaser High-definition liposculture targets men and women who would otherwise never have considered themselves in need of liposuctions.
Because Vaser Hi-Def was concieved to be a sculpting rather than debulking technique, a person who has good muscle tone but does not have excessive amount of fat or lax skin is the perfect candidate to the procedure.
What will do even more wonders to your body is the selectivity the Vaser instrument represents. The procedure can target only those exercise resistant areas by selectively liquifying the fat in those areas. Such selectivity also allows the surgeon to target specific fat layers to create the desired sculpted appearance without damaging connective tissue.
That Vaser High-Def is intended or generally fit men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail makes the procedure a sensible adjunct to a fitness program rather than a response to failure.
This is good news to people who have trouble achieving the muscle definition they want in spite of a work out routine they commit to like a second religion.
The highly advanced liposuction technique Vaser High-Def uses zeroes in and removes small fat depoits around specific muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the natural contours. It is not uncommon for patients to delight at the sight of that of that six pack, washboard abs they got after undergoing the procedure. Rather than looking down at Vaser High-Def as failure to achieve fitness, these people look up to it as enhancement of their current form.
Regarded as the last word in body contouring, Vaser High-Def is the brainchild of Colombian plastic surgeon, Alfredo Hoyos MD, widely touted as the "father of Vaser high-definition liposculpting". It was under Hoyo's expert tutelage that Dr.Claudine S. Roura FPDS got her training in Vaser High-Def, making her the first and only Filipino cosmetic surgeon trained and certified to perform the procedure.
With Roura at the helm, Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute makes availble to Filipinos Vaser High-Definition Liposculpture that is proven as revolutionary as it is effective. Just one of the numerous dermatological and cosmetic services the clinic offers, the procedure eliminates the risks and complications normally associated with traditional lipusuction. Not to mention reduced operating time as well remarkably shorter recovery period.
Contours is located at the 2nd floor of South Park Plaza, Paseo de Magallanes in Makati City. Appointments and inquiries may be made at 489-8526 or 0918-9264468, or email drclaudine@rouradermsurgery.com or log on to www.rouradermsurgery.com
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Liposuction and VASER
Liposuction has been around for more than 20 years and is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure for body contouring. There have been many variations of the Liposuction technique. The syringe technique is the oldest technique and is manually done using a big toomey syringe and a cannula. It is quite laborious and reserved for a debulking procedure.
The Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL) uses a suction motor to help speed the procedure and suction out more fat. It is easier for the surgeon and faster as well.
A modernization of the suction-assisted liposuction is the Power-assisted liposuction (PAL). A motorized handpiece is used where the cannula automatically moves back and forth while there is continuous suction. this makes the liposuction techniqe easier for the surgeon.
Other variation of the liposuction technique is the Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL). This uses ultrasounic energy to melt the fat during suctioning. This technique has been reported to develop several complications such as burns hence it did not become a popular technique.
Water-assisted liposuction is an addition to the liposuction techniques. Pressurized water is used to dislodge the fat cells from the connective tissues with simultaneous liposuction. This technique uses a lot of fluid and is quite costly due to the amount of consumables.
The latest and the one that seems to be the most reliable technique is the VASER. Vibration Ampliflication of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a third generation ultrasound assisted liposuction device that has eliminated the complications of the old ultrasound-assisted devices. The machine selectively liquefies the fat and leaves the nerves, connective tissues and blood vessels intact that is why it is called Liposelection. Resulting in less bruising, less pain, less swelling, smoother results and faster recovery for the patients.