Sunday, May 24, 2009

New breast implant guarantees no contracture

April 29, 2009. We scheduled my niece for a breast augmentation procedure. She is 22 years old, very young and beautiful. She is tall 5 ft 6 inches, very slim, fair skinned, very pretty chinita. The only problem is that her breasts did not develop according to her age. She is flat, as in flat. The family was very supportive of her having breast implants, they wanted the best, so I gave them the best that guarantees no breast contracture.

Since she was very flat and almost no breast tissue, we needed to perform the breast augmentation procedure via a peri-areolar incision in a submuscular plane. It was done under local tumescent anesthesia with sedation. We inserted a 240 cc anatomical breast implant, it was beautiful, tear drop shape, looks very natural. The surgery was uneventful, very minimal bleeding. The implant was just a bit hard to insert due to its nature being a polyurethane coated silicone breast implants. They call it the "Brazilian breasts, forever soft". The implant s are bit costly compared to the regular breast implants but it guarantees no contracture in 10 years time or the company will change the breast implants for free... How about that for a guarantee.

After the surgery, my niece went home, although a bit dizzy, she slept it off at home. she experienced some pain post op as expected but the next few days she was a lot lot better.

She is now a cup B, very proud and very happy with her new found figure. Thanks to the breast augmentation procedure using the Brazilian breasts....

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